KFC, Please Give Us Vegetarian "Fried Chicken"!

To my fellow vegetarians: stop whatever you're doing and imagine a world where buckets of crispy, fried — but plant-based and cruelty free — "chicken" was available for you at KFC restaurants nationwide.

This can be a reality! Recently, KFC announced it would be introducing mock "chicken-like vegetarian options" at its restaurants. But there's a catch — these options will only be introduced in the United Kingdom. The company currently says there are no plans to bring these options to the U.S., so it's up to us to convince them. 

Please sign and share my petition to convince KFC to offer plant-based "fake chicken" options at U.S. restaurants too!

A recent study found that over 8 million U.S. adults follow a strict vegetarian diet. In addition, a whooping 37% percent of Americans say they are more inclined to eat a plant-based diet when dining out. And these numbers continue to grow every day.

That adds up to hundreds of millions of new customers for KFC across the country — if only they offered more vegetarian options.

Please sign and share my petition to convince KFC to offer plant-based "vegetarian chicken" options at its U.S. restaurants!
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