This Animal Shelter's Care Model Is Keeping Euthanasia Rates Low. Other's Should Follow Suit.

The average euthanasia rate at shelters in the United States is a whopping 9.5% – its highest in three years. This means millions of cats and dogs being unnecessarily euthanized every single year. But it doesn't have to be this way. One Tampa Bay shelter's new model has been able to drastically lower its pet euthanasia rate.

Des Moines, Iowa is like so many other cities: its local shelters are overrun, and it is feeling the burden. 30 dogs are being euthanized per month at the Animal Rescue League of Iowa. Clearly, it is time for a change.

Sign now to demand the city of Des Moines follows in Tampa Bay's footsteps and decrease their euthanasia rate in shelters!

The Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center in Tampa Bay is dealing with the same high-intake rates as shelters across the country, but the local shelter's kill-rate is at a five-year low. How? Their strategic plan emphasizes supporting pet owners, and it works.

The shelter offers free pet food for owners in need and also helps pet owners deal with obstacles  like broken fences so that they aren't forced to surrender their pets. Owning and caring for an animal can be expensive, and making it less cost prohibitive means pets can stay with the families they love.

It is time Des Moines shelters take the same approach, which will literally help save animals lives. Sign the petition now if you agree!

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