Urge Ford: Escape Hybrid Should Lead to Better Explorer

Ford has recently begun production on the first hybrid gasoline-electric SUV - the Escape Hybrid. This is a good first step, but Ford can – and must – do more to improve the fuel efficiency of its SUVs. Ford can now take this bold step in SUV fuel economy and establish a reputation as the leader in the Sport Utility class by improving the #1 SUV in America--the Explorer.
The Ford Explorer is the best selling SUV model in the United States, selling more than 400,000 units per year. For as little as $600 per vehicle, the Ford Explorer could improve its average fuel economy from the EPA window sticker value of 18mpg to 23.6mpg. Further conventional technology improvements costing $2,315 per Explorer would net over $4,300 in lifetime gas savings by increasing its window sticker fuel economy to 30.7mpg. And every gallon of gas saved would prevent 24 pounds of heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) from being released into the atmosphere.
For a modest investment in existing technologies, Ford could make their Explorers safer and significantly more fuel efficient, saving consumers thousands of dollars and preventing air pollution and global warming emissions. Sign this petition to tell Ford's Chairman and CEO, William Ford, that he is on the right track with the Escape Hybrid, and that by improving the conventional Explorer; he can help make Ford the leading company providing genuine SUV choices to American drivers.
Dear Mr. Ford,
I am writing to applaud your company's introduction of the first hybrid SUV—the Escape Hybrid. By bringing this fuel-efficient, low-emission vehicle to the market, you have shown that every class of automobile can benefit from the advances of hybrid technology. You have also started an extremely valuable market identity for your company as the leader in providing a better SUV that combines on-road and environmental performance in one package.
The Escape will not be the lone fuel-efficient SUV on the road for long, as Lexus and Toyota hybrid SUV models will be available soon. If Ford wants to solidify a place as the industry leader in providing consumers with a real choice in SUVs, you can complement your Escape hybrid by improving your conventional Explorer fleet. With "off-the-shelf" engine improvements, improved tires and aerodynamics, and a stronger but lighter unibody frame, you could make your Explorers both safer and more fuel-efficient. For just hundreds added to the sticker price, new Explorers could save drivers thousands of dollars at the pump over the vehicle's lifetime, and provide substantial oil and environmental security benefits.
[Your personal comments]
Again, congratulations on the introduction of the new Escape Hybrid SUV. I hope this is the beginning of a bold new initiative by Ford to provide significant improvements in fuel economy and vehicle safety; thereby providing genuine consumer choice and "no compromises" SUVs throughout your fleet in a way that will revolutionize the industry.
I look forward to your reply.
[Your name]
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