TELL CONGRESS: END THE KILLING OF Dogs and Cats, Develop a Spay and Neuter Cookie.

For 'hard core' animal people only!
Please sign if you answer YES to these questions:
Would you be happy to pay an extra $300 in taxes every year just to help animals?
Would you be happy to spend money in foreign countries like India, to help animals there?
Would you be happy to support powerful animal projects, even when they take two years to complete after they are fully funded?
If you answered Yes, then you'll love My Dog Is On The Pill, an exciting project started by Alex Pacheco (nicknamed "ThePetaGuy" since he also co-founded PETA in 1980 before leaving 20 years later in 2000).
Please sign this petition urging Congress to instruct the USDA to hire scientists to develop an edible, one-dose, permanent lasting birth control product for dogs and cats, a product that will in effect spay or neuter them without surgery. In other words: a product that can end the overpopulation of stray dogs and cats worldwide!
An estimated 600 million stray dogs and cats struggle to survive worldwide. In almost half the world, strays are poisoned, shot, beaten to death and even electrocuted. Many also suffer from constant hunger and painful diseases.
Much of this could be prevented with the development of an edible, one-dose, permanent lasting birth control product for dogs and cats: a Spay and Neuter Cookie. When completed it will safely spay or neuter, without surgery. The USDA already spends tax dollars on similar work but they are not focused on making what is really needed: an edible, one-dose, permanent lasting birth control product.
With your help, we can make this happen.
Thank you!
My Dog Is On The Pill, a science-based project by
Dear [Representative/Senator],
We the undersigned are willing to pay an additional $300 in taxes each year to expand the USDA's animal birth control research with the goal of developing an edible, one-dose, permanent lasting birth control product for stray dogs and cats.
It is time to bring a permanent end to the pet overpopulation crisis.
An estimated 1 billion dollars are spent each year dealing with this problem in the U.S.
Tragically, this includes the killing of an estimated 1 million healthy dogs and cats every year.
The scientific development of a one-dose, permanent lasting birth control cookie that will safely spay or neuter stray dogs and cats -- without surgery -- will produce a cost-effective solution to the global dog and cat overpopulation crisis.
We therefore are petitioning you to increase funding to the USDA and hire scientists to develop an edible one-dose, permanent lasting spay and neuter cookie for stray dogs and cats, to end the global overpopulation problem and end the suffering it causes.
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione