pitt bulls are good dogs dont criticize them for what n how owners treat n raise them its owners fau

  • da: Daniel Greene
  • destinatario: the state of tn n United states of America

Its like guns guns dont kill people people kill people how they choose is there choice but animals dont have no say so especially pit bulls people rant n rave o there bad dogs o they hurt kids n people but think about it people any dog can kill n hurt someone.just because pitts have been known for there size n strengh n bad oowners fighting them doesent make all pit bulls bad its the cruel owners that neglect n miss treat the dogs breed.I have had 3 pits in my life n still have one now and let me say id trust my pitt around my 7 year old any day over any person or other breed of dog there smart n loyally n playful n protective so people n govt have some sense to ur self of mind I know this world isnt perfect but its our fault of how it is by letting dumb laws n politics make up laws as we go peolple sueing over this n that I mean my son wants a atv n hes only 7 well when I was 8 I had one n my dad was aware of the dangers of me driving it and I got hurt a time or two but he didnt sue the company that manufacturerd it bc I got hurt im still alive rode bikes with no helments n drank from a garden hose n slept in a crib with lead base paint and still here I am 34 years old with a wife n son and a wonderful pit bull named ayla n id like to call this the ayla Act save the pit bulls wake up america there beutiful sweet dogs that want love n care not bad things so go after the ones that mistreat the breed and other dogs n cats start a registry up like the sex registry for people thats been already convicted of animal cruelty. Thank you and please sign my petition help the ayla act pitt bulls please.thank you america and for the ones who sign this from kingsport tn the greenes family....

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