Join The Fight To End The Slaughter of America's Horses

Horses are companions, sport animals, and even work partners. But many Americans don't know that tens of thousands of our horses are brutally killed each year — their meat sold for top dollar to feed diners in Europe and Japan.
The slaughter houses and "killer buyers" who profit from this bloody trade want us to believe that the horses they kill are old, sick, skinny, or infirm and it's necessary to dispose of these animals. But that couldn't be further from the truth. According to the USDA, 92% of these animals are in good or excellent condition and less than eight years old.
While we've shut down all of the horse slaughter plants in the US, thousands of horses are still being shipped across the border to Mexico and Canada to be killed. The death toll is rising by the day.
It's up to us to shine a light on the cruelty and lies of the horse slaughter industry and stop the killing of our horses.
Sign the petition today and join the fight to end the senseless slaughter of America's horses for meat.
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