The warm waters of the Hawaiian Archipelago are a natural safe haven for marine life, as well as a source of recreation for all who enjoy our waters. As stewards of this refuge, the people of Hawai‘i have a kuleana (obligation) to ensure it is fully protected.

A growing body of research confirms that intense human-generated ocean noise can injure, deafen and kill marine life, including fish and marine mammals. Naval studies have also documented injury to humans. Acknowledging the harm caused by intense human-generated ocean noise, both the U.S. Navy and the State of Hawai‘i agreed in 2001 to limit the use of Low-Frequency Active Sonar (LFA) in Hawai‘i’s territorial waters. Now, however, increasing military activity in our waters, including Mid-Frequency Active Sonar, near shore explosions, and the Navy’s recent announcement of plans to expand naval exercises around all of the Hawaiian Islands raises serious concerns about the threats these exercises pose to marine and human life. We need to take action now to protect Hawai‘i’s oceans from harmful noise pollution. Until we can effectively remove intense noise pollution from Hawai’i’s waters, we strongly urge the State of Hawai‘i to protect Hawai‘i's unique ocean environment and our quality of life by mandating:

. A ban on all sonar source operation, explosions, or any military activity creating a sound in excess of 145 decibels within the 3-mile jurisdiction of Hawai‘i’s state territorial waters and protected areas, including Penguin Bank and the State Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine Refuge, as well as the Hawaiian National Refuge and the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument.

2. All military-produced sound originating outside the 3-mile limit of State waters, including Low- Frequency and Mid-Frequency Active Sonar, dipping sonar, and explosions, shall not exceed a received level of 145 decibels within the 3-mile jurisdiction of Hawai‘i’s state territorial waters and protected areas as listed above.

3. Any documented disturbance of protected marine species or significant effect on fisheries, verified by the State shall lead to immediate review of operations and cessation of the activity. Such disturbances could include changes in abundance, spatial distribution or the short and long term behavior of marine animals.

4. Any documented disturbance to humans within the 3-mile state territorial waters, verified by a doctor, shall cause an immediate review of operations and cessation of the activity.

5. The U.S. Navy shall be required to have independent observers (non-military) on all operations involving the use of explosives, and Low Frequency Active Sonar, Mid-frequency Active Sonar, or dipping sonar. Annual monitoring reports of all such activities shall be submitted to the State of Hawai‘i for release to the public.

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