We demand that the South African Government bring in a law whereby Animal Rights are protected and Abuse or willful harm to any animal is to be treated the same as murder and attempted murder that will bring about incarceration of those that break this la
Every day we see pictures of animals being starved, abused and murdered. The Animal rescue and welfare centers are fighting a loosing battle because when they finally get the perpetrators to court... All that happens is they are just given a fine and off they go again to continue their abuse. It's about time that Animal Abuse is considered on the same level as Murder and attempted murder. The government should be forced to pass this law and grant the inspectors from all animal shelters the same rights as the police. They should be allowed to arrest and charge those that commit such crimes against all animals. No fines allowed. No bail. Sentence should be nothing under 10 years. 😡😡😡😡😡
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione