Protect Wild Horses and Burros

America's wild horses and burros are national symbols of freedom, protected by federal law as "living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West."

But the future of these iconic animals is in peril.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) uses helicopters to drive thousands of wild horses and burros from our public lands every year. The roundups rob these animals of the two things they value most: family and freedom.

The livestock industry, which views mustangs as competition for taxpayer-subsidized grazing on our public lands, is lobbying for the removal of 50,000 more wild horses and burros from their homes on the range, and for the slaughter of the 46,000 wild horses already stockpiled in government holding facilities.

The Trump Administration and Congress will decide the fate of America's wild horses and burros, and will determine whether tens of thousands of captured wild horses will live or be brutally killed or slaughtered.

Now is the time for the American people to speak up. Sign the petition to demand more humane treatment of our iconic wild horses and burros.
To Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and the U.S. Congress:

I urge you to honor the will of the American people to protect our nation's wild horses and burros — national symbols of freedom and America's greatness.

Our mustangs and burros are part of America's unique public lands legacy and must be preserved on our Western public lands, not rounded up and warehoused, or worse, slaughtered.

Three in four Americans support protecting wild horses and burros on public lands and 80 percent of Americans oppose horse slaughter.

Please listen to "We The People" and:

1. Oppose any effort to lift the prohibition on selling captured wild horses and burros for slaughter and killing of healthy wild horses and burros.

2. Oppose budget language authorizing the BLM to strip wild horses and burros of their federal protections and turn them over to state, local and other federal agencies, which would then be allowed to kill the animals.

3. Oppose the surgical sterilization of wild free-roaming horses on the range as a management tool. This approach takes the "wild" out of wild horses by destroying their natural, free-roaming behaviors.

4. Require the BLM to increase the use of the PZP birth control vaccine as a humane alternative to roundup and removal of wild horses from their homes on the range. This approach was recommended by the National Academy of Sciences as a "more affordable option than continuing to remove horses to long-term holding facilities."

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Thank you for standing with the majority of Americans by supporting humane management and rejecting the mass roundups and killing of these national icons.


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