Dear Director Ashe,
The only wild population of Mexican gray wolves is essential to the species' conservation and recovery. I ask you, how can the only wild population of a species not be essential to the survival of that species? Follow the science and reclassify America's wild Mexican wolves as essential so they receive the full protections of the Endangered Species Act.
Wild Mexican wolves need room to roam. Remove arbitrary politically motivated restrictions on where lobos are allowed to disperse and establish territories. Accelerate releases from the captive population by further expanding where initial releases are permitted. Allow Mexican wolves to return to their native range in the Grand Canyon region and southern Rocky Mountains.
People are responsible for most Mexican wolf deaths, and with each death prospects for recovery dwindle. You must strengthen, not weaken, restrictions on killing and removing critically imperiled Mexican wolves. Require livestock owners and game managers to take responsibility for coexisting with Mexican wolves.
Wolves also need a recovery plan that clearly articulates the wolves' path to recovery. This plan must include real, measurable recovery goals and practical, biologically sound steps to achieving those goals. Revive the long overdue recovery planning process today.
[Your comments here]
It is your duty as the chief steward of our country's imperiled wildlife to ensure Mexican wolves survive and recover. You must uphold the mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and both the letter and purpose of the Endangered Species Act. Follow the science and protect Mexican wolves.
[Your name]