Tell Secretary of the Interior Haaland: Establish Chuckwalla National Monument

The proposed Chuckwalla National Monument encompasses some 627,000 acres of public land in the California desert. The region holds an astonishing biodiversity of wildlife and is home to bighorn sheep, desert tortoises, Golden Eagles, Greater Roadrunners, and a host of other rare and endangered animals. 

A designated Chuckwalla National Monument will help preserve the region's rich biodiversity, honor Tribal heritage, expand access to nature, boost the local economy by attracting more visitors, and protect the places that people and birds need to thrive.

Sign today and u
rge U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to help advance its designation.

To whom it may concern: 

I'm writing to express my support for designating the Chuckwalla National Monument. Please call on President Biden to use the Antiquities Act to protect and preserve this unique and vital public land in the Southern California desert.   

With over 627,000 acres of wide desert expanses, rocky mountain ridges, and palm-fringed oases, the region is home to so much wildlife that we cherish. Iconic bird species like Golden Eagles, Verdins, and Greater Roadrunners rely on the habitat provided by the Chuckwalla area. Establishing the monument will help safeguard critical biodiversity, protect the sacred places of local Tribes, boost the local economy, and provide equitable access for local communities and future generations.  

As someone who believes in the importance of conservation, I urge you to protect this natural treasure and call on President Biden to designate it as a National Monument.  

Thank you for your leadership and your support.

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