Give Wal-Mart's CEO a Reality Check!

One after another, the scandals emerge revealing Wal-Mart's ruthless campaign against workers' rights.

When Wal-Mart employees attempt to stand up for themselves and try to form a union, they face threats, propaganda, discrimination, intimidation, and even firings.

Is this any way to treat employees who just want to negotiate for better wages, more affordable health care, and basic protections on the job?

It's a struggle of epic proportions: 1.3 million employees versus Wal-Mart. College students, single parents, the elderly—barely making enough to cross the poverty line, competing against the world's largest employer and corporation—raking in $10,000,000,000 in profits last year. Clearly, Wal-Mart can afford to do the right thing and treat its workers with the respect they deserve. The question is, will it?

It's time to demand Wal-Mart stop denying its employees a voice at work. Tell Wal-Mart enough is enough!

One after another the scandals emerge revealing Wal-Mart's ruthless campaign against workers' rights.

When Wal-Mart employees attempt to stand up for themselves and try to form a union, they face threats, propaganda, discrimination, intimidation, and even firings. It's wrong, and it's got to stop now.

We, the undersigned, demand that Wal-Mart:

  • Stop encouraging your employees to spy on suspected pro-union coworkers and get rid of your anti-union hotline.

  • Stop spending money on anti-union consultants on-or-off the books, including your "People Division," an on-call unionbusting army to respond to the 'threat' of unions in your stores.

  • Stop closing stores or departments where your employees have decided to form a union.

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