NYC Council: Fund free/low-cost spay/neuter for NYC pets!

    NYC is in a cat crisis! The population of community cats has exploded, fueled by a combination of dumped pets that are not spayed and neutered, and by a lack of free/low-cost high volume spay/neuter services. This is a municipal problem, and we need the City to be part of the solution by funding free/low-cost spay/neuter for all NYC cats (and dogs too)!

    The problem is so severe that rescue groups and the municipal shelter, ACC, are filled to capacity. ACC has even suspended intakes from time to time in recent years. Rescuers - unpaid volunteers - who trap community cats and have them spayed/neutered are bearing the brunt of this municipal problem. They sacrifice their personal time and money for the benefit of the cats and the City. They could be much more effective if more free/low-cost high volume spay/neuter services were available!

    Furthermore, NYC law (Section 17-804) requires pet owners who allow their pets to roam outside their dwellings to sterilize their pets. The City should enforce this law to reduce the number of homeless cats and dogs. But if it does, it must provide all residents with the means to comply. And this means making free/low-cost spay/neuter services available.

    We implore the NYC Council to fund free/low-cost high volume spay/neuter services for all NYC cats and dogs!
    Firma la petizione
    Firma la petizione
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