By signing this petition you are fighting to help keep a private Animal Rescue Center in Abbotsford, Wisconsin from losing their license to operate. Their current license, which allows them to exceed the City's limit on the number of animals they can own, is set to expire in December 2014. 9th Life Rescue and Sanctuary is operated out of the home of Kathy Knight and David Rogers. They have been in operation for the past 20 years, forming a nonprofit corporation in 2009. This Rescue Center operates through private donations and is not funded by the City of Abbotsford. They have many volunteers that assist with daily chores. It appears that the only opposition the Mayor and a few City Council members can produce is that perhaps some neighbors may think the premise has strong odors, although it has not been verified which neighbor or neighbors made such a complaint, if any. The City of Abbotsford will be deciding whether or not to renewal their license. By forcing them to quit operation, the City Council Members want the Rescue Center to KILL 16 cats within 6 months, and another 16 within 6 months after that. I find this very disturbing and truly appalling. It is my life's passion to become a strong animal advocate by fighting for the rights of all animals (domestic & wildlife) and to try to bring about stronger penalties for ANIMAL ABUSERS!
Aggiorna #310 anni fa
I would like to Thank everyone who signed this petition and I would like to wish all of you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! I will let you know more about the rescue center and if they get their license renewed sometime in the first week or 2 in December. I wish we could have reached a thousand signatures, but I am thankful for what we received!
Aggiorna #210 anni fa
Currently house unadoptable cats in their private home in Abbotsford. City will vote in December whether to continue their variance license allowing for more than 4 cats. The owners would love to move their operation out to a place in the country but need funding and major sponsors in order to do that.
Aggiorna #110 anni fa
I am still waiting for some news on this rescue center, and I will give an update as soon as I hear anything. Thank all of you for the kindness and support you have shown this petition, it really means a lot to me!