Justice for David - Bring an End to Police Brutality Against Persons with Mental Illnesses

My cousin David Giliberti was diagnosed with bipolar. He was a young man who had just graduated college and loved to strum away at his guitar. At 22, David called the police because he thought his house was under attack. An officer entered his house and shot him 6 times. He died on the scene before his family could even say goodbye.

"Since 2015, when The Post launched its database, police have fatally shot more than 1,400 people with mental illnesses." - NBC News

This petition is not only for David, but for all the lost souls out there with mental illnesses, that have been victimized by police brutality.

By signing this pentition you're giving the ones that were silent, a voice.

Let's bring awareness and ensure the police system will develop a better training program for officers to have the correct tools to know how to approach all the "Davids'" out there.

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