Force CHINA To Abolish Dog Meat Festivals By Boycotting All Chinese Import Products

  • da: April Robertson
  • destinatario: All Governments With China Trade Relations & All Retailers/Manufacturers With Products Made In China

Despite the petition by 3 million worldwide people protesting this horrific and cruel "tradition" Dog Eating Festival (has no cultural value) in Yulin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region In South China still celebrated the capture, torture, brutal slaughter and cannibalism of more than 10,000 Dogs.

By signing the petition your global voice will advocate the international outcry to pressure our governments for a China's Trade Embargo.

  • By Signing This Petition..
  • Pressure Our Respective Governments To Initiate Priority Directives To Support Global compliance For China Trade Embargo
  • Your Advocacy For The Protection Our Endangered Wildlife And For The Millions Of Domestic And Companion Animals Being Tortured and Killed In China
  • Global Action To Force Positive And Moral Social Change In China By Your Commitment, Pledge And Compliance To Boycott All Of China's Exports That Are Imported Into Your Country Withholding $$$$ Is The Single Most Effective Way To Force Significant Change In China And Can ONLY Come Through Economic Losses To Those Who Victimize

China may be the largest country with 1.4 Billion people, as well as the largest exporter of manufactured goods however collectively Worlds 7.2 Billion voices and boycotts of their exports hold a higher power that will hit China, in the most destructive way ... Cut off their trade and financial support which globally will ensure that countries will devalue trade and risk . US. imports 4 X greater than Exports from/ to China, USA largest importer, China largest exporter, Germany, USA

Don't take this unconscionable social degradation the welfare of animals to be humanly tolerated.

Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Petitioners YOUR POWER OF ONE Has Shared Your Support In 108 COUNTRIES
In ONLY 7 DAYS. Thank You ... Keep The Momentum Going. Please Check Out Video I Published About OUR CAUSE.
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