Delay Publication of THE CONTINENT

  • destinatario: The Harlequin TEEN Editorial Team

Update: Harlequin TEEN's response here. Thank you for reading and to those who signed. It's heartening that HQT and Keira Drake are taking the time needed to treat these issues with care; this reiterates a dedication to an inclusive publishing world.


To the Harlequin TEEN editorial board:

Intent cannot outweigh content. An author, agent, editor, and publishing house all with the best of intentions can still promote a narrative that reinforces damaging stereotypes. As such, we the undersigned would like to petition for Keira Drake's YA debut novel, THE CONTINENT, to be delayed from its January 2017 release for additional editorial focus on the troubling portrayals within of people of color and native backgrounds.

Aggiorna #18 anni fa
Hi all,

Harlequin TEEN's response:

The extent of edits remains to be seen, but hopefully this represents forward motion, not just for this novel but for the industry & its attention to racial rep. We can be better. At every level, micro to macro. The macro is listening/reacting - that's heartening.

Thanks very much for your support. Bookshelves will be that much more inclusive because of it. One more step toward a world where petitions like this are unnecessary.

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