Petition HBO to adapt Stephen R. Donaldson’s Gap Cycle series into a TV show!

With Game Of Thrones, HBO has shown us that they are capable of bringing amazing book series to life and doing them justice. HBO has given us many of the best ever television series of many genre's, but they have yet to tackle a space opera and we NEED this in our live's! The Gap Cycle has all the necessary elements to make an epic HBO series, with the combination of this story and HBO's ability to make the best tv shows of all time this could be the most successful TV show ever, right next to GoT. People say the Expanse is the Game of Thrones of space opera, nope, I'm sorry, the Gap Cycle series makes the Expanse look like Sesame Street. The grit, violence, gore, sex, language, betrayal, manipulation, and EPIC story is perfect for the screen.

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