This "Pet Resort" Was Abusing Animals So Badly That a Dog Had to Be Euthanized

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Danville Police Department and Danville City Council

A disturbing incident at Danville Pet Resort has come to light, where a dozen dogs were seized in poor condition due to suspected animal abuse and neglect. The situation was so bad that one of the dogs had to be euthanized. While the investigation is ongoing we must ensure this "pet resort" is shut down and the person responsible is never in charge of animals again!

Sign this petition to demand that the Danville Police Department and Danville City Council take immediate action to ensure justice is served and to prevent future incidents of animal abuse!

The welfare check initiated by the Danville Police Department revealed heartbreaking conditions that no animal should endure. Immediate veterinary care was necessary for several of the dogs, highlighting a serious lapse in care and supervision at the facility.

We call on the Danville Police Department to conduct a thorough investigation and press charges against those responsible for the neglect and abuse. Furthermore, we urge the Danville City Council to review and strengthen local regulations governing pet boarding businesses to ensure stricter compliance and regular inspections.

Sign the petition now to demand accountability and reform in animal welfare policies in Danville!

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