Come back the Twitter Bird using the Hashtag, #ComebacktheBlueBird

  • da: Carol Betita
  • destinatario: Linda Yaccarino, Twitter Inc., Twitter

As of July 24th, The Twitter Bird is Replaced by the Letter X. Elon musk said, "Twitter is now X Corp." and they are not happy, The Petition begins in August until the End, In September we Bring Back the Blue Twitter Bird. Please use the hashtag on Social Media, #ComebacktheBlueBird

Aggiorna #2circa un anno fa
The San Francisco Mayor, London Breed and Twitter CEO, Linda Yaccarino departed from X Corp. and Reestablish the Standalone Isolated Social Networking Birdsite using the hashtag, #MakeTwitterStandAlone as of September, we created a new hashtag called, #ComebacktheBlueBird On Care2 Petition, Eveeybody Around the World signed all the Petitions to come back the Twitter Bird after separation from X Corp.
Aggiorna #1circa un anno fa
I created the Hashtag, #ComebacktheBlueBird Sign all the Signatures around the World and The Blue Twitter Bird is Coming Back after the Petition of London and Linda pulling Twitter out of X Corp. and it will be Isolated in August. In September we are Petitioning to Twitter to Revert the Blue Twitter Bird Birdsite.
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