There are fewer than 100,000 licensed trappers in the United States, but each year, an estimated 3 to 5 million animals are caught and killed for their fur. Millions more are trapped annually by state and federal agencies, private nuisance wildlife control operators, and individual landowners. Unknown numbers of non-target animals, including dogs, cats, birds, deer, and threatened and endangered species, are also trapped and injured or killed. The steel jaw leghold trap, conibear and snare traps have been condemned as inhumane by the American Veterinary Medical Association, the World Veterinary Association, the National Animal Control Association of the United States, and the American Animal Hospital Association.
Take a look at Cub, a dog that was caught in a leg hold traps.
The dog named Cub might look like a typical dog, but he's endured suffering most people would find unimaginable. In February, he was discovered along a country road in New Mexico, half his body riddled with shotgun pellets, hobbling upon the exposed ends of bones where his hind legs once were — injuries consistent with a leghold trap."[Veterinarians] think he had been walking on his bones for weeks, since the healing showed it was not a new injury," It's amazing the dog didn't bleed to death. He must have had such a strong will to live.
Invented in the 1820s, the leg-hold trap and conibear traps are made up of two opposing spring-powered steel jaws that spring violently together on any animal who triggers the pan between them. The United States lags far behind the rest of the world in regard to trapping reforms. More than 85 countries have banned or severely restricted the use of the leg-hold, conibear and snare traps including all member countries of the European Union (EU). Only eight states have enacted bans or significant restrictions on these traps: Florida, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, California and Washington.
Despite the introduction of federal bills to end use of leghold & conibear traps in the United States over the past half century, Congress has failed to enact such legislation. The “sportsmen” lobby (trappers and hunters) and the agricultural lobby (which wants to use leg-hold & conibear traps for predator control) wield tremendous power at the federal and state levels and have worked aggressively in support of the continued use of leg-hold and conibear traps. Please Tell Congress to enact laws that ban the use of these traps everywhere in the United States and ban them for use by anyone. No exemptions for anyone. Stop caving in to special interest groups and do the right thing.
There are fewer than 100,000 licensed trappers in the United States, but each year, an estimated 3 to 5 million animals are caught and killed for their fur. Millions more are trapped annually by state and federal agencies, private nuisance wildlife control operators, and individual landowners. Unknown numbers of non-target animals, including dogs, cats, birds, deer, and threatened and endangered species, are also trapped and injured or killed. The steel jaw leghold trap, conibear and snare traps have been condemned as inhumane by the American Veterinary Medical Association, the World Veterinary Association, the National Animal Control Association of the United States, and the American Animal Hospital Association.
Take a look at Cub, a dog that was caught in a leg hold traps.
The dog named Cub might look like a typical dog, but he's endured suffering most people would find unimaginable. In February, he was discovered along a country road in New Mexico, half his body riddled with shotgun pellets, hobbling upon the exposed ends of bones where his hind legs once were — injuries consistent with a leghold trap."[Veterinarians] think he had been walking on his bones for weeks, since the healing showed it was not a new injury," It's amazing the dog didn't bleed to death. He must have had such a strong will to live.
Invented in the 1820s, the leg-hold trap and conibear traps are made up of two opposing spring-powered steel jaws that spring violently together on any animal who triggers the pan between them. The United States lags far behind the rest of the world in regard to trapping reforms. More than 85 countries have banned or severely restricted the use of the leg-hold, conibear and snare traps including all member countries of the European Union (EU). Only eight states have enacted bans or significant restrictions on these traps: Florida, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, California and Washington.
Despite the introduction of federal bills to end use of leghold & conibear traps in the United States over the past half century, Congress has failed to enact such legislation. The “sportsmen” lobby (trappers and hunters) and the agricultural lobby (which wants to use leg-hold & conibear traps for predator control) wield tremendous power at the federal and state levels and have worked aggressively in support of the continued use of leg-hold and conibear traps. Please Tell Congress to enact laws that ban the use of these traps everywhere in the United States and ban them for use by anyone. No exemptions for anyone. Stop caving in to special interest groups and do the right thing.
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