Protect Colorado’s Wolves: Stop the Effort to Delay and Derail Restoration

In 2020, nearly 1.6 million Coloradans voted to restore gray wolves, reaffirming our commitment to conservation. Now, a petition filed on September 27, 2024, threatens to not only halt progress but end wolf restoration entirely.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife's nationally acclaimed wolf restoration process, winner of the 2024 Ernest Thompson Seton Award, ensures coexistence between wolves and livestock using proven tools like fladry fencing, drones, range riders, and rancher compensation. Delays will disrupt ecosystems, increase livestock conflicts, and prevent stable wolf packs from forming.

Wolf restoration works:

  • Yellowstone: Wolves curbed elk overgrazing, reviving habitats for species like beavers.
  • Montana & Wyoming: Wolves manage elk herds and control disease.
  • Minnesota: Home to 2,700 wolves, the largest population in the lower 48, proving coexistence is possible.

Colorado can lead the way. Protect our wildlife, honor voters, and secure a balanced future. Sign now to reject the delay and stop the scheme to block wolf reintroduction.

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