Return the Egyptian accent to the Disney movies!

  • da: Nasser Al Kuwari
  • destinatario: The Walt Disney Company, Disney Character Voices International Inc.

We the Arab fans asking you please to return the beautiful Egyptian accent to Disney movies instead of using the Heavy Modern Standard Arabic, we are not against our first language but Disney movies get a mega success in the Arab world just because the easy Egyptian accent that we all love, we loved Disney movies because it was special to us with the easy Egyptian accent, Disney was the first to do that dubbed not just a copy from other companies it was special and that's what make us love it, but now after the sad news that you won't use the the Egyptian accent we felt that Disney will lose it touch and it's identity and it will be just a copy from other dubbed that we don't like and don't support, it will lose the magic we loved in Disney with Egyptian accent!

It's unbelievable after 30 years with the Egyptian accent in your movies since your first Arabic dubbed with Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs until Cars 2 in 2011 that you suddenly will change everything and force us to accept a totally new dubbed that we didn't heard before in Disney movies, we won't accept it and won't love it we will prefer the English version on that dubbed that we don't like.

How can we accept the forth movie from Tinker Bell series in that new dubbed after watching the first 3 movies in Egyptian accent? how can we watch Monsters University in the Heavy Modern Arabic while we saw the first one in Egyptian accent that everybody loved, Modern Arabic does not fit in everything, it even kills the comedy and the funny scenes, unlike the Egyptian accent that make all the scenes funnier!

We all have been waiting Brave patiently to get it in the Egyptian dubbed but after that news, you killed us Disney all the fans won't get or support that version in its Modern Arabic dubbed in that way you are losing a huge base in the Middle East.

Also the decision you made in turning to the Modern Arabic is not right in this time while other companies moved to dubbed in different Arabic accents like Syrian ,Lebanese and Egyptian, you invented this Disney don't lose it now just to sale it to some channels, we are the fans we are the supporters we are the watcher and we know what we like and what we don't, you were special to us for a 30 years please we begging you don't change it now!

We the Arab fans, support Disney movie in every way that we can since the very beginning, we have fan clubs, groups, facebook, and a lot of other activities just to support you and ask people to buy the original copies, and now you turn your back to us we didn't ask for too much just a little respect to our opinions.

We asked you before to release the Arabic versions in cinemas just like the other countries , we asked you to have our own logo in Arabic like the other countries not just the English logo, we also asked to get the famous celebrities in the Arab world to dubbed , but all those requests have been ignored, but we kept supporting and love your movies.

But after this decision and that you won't use the Egyptian accent, and after posting that in our facebook fan page all the Arab fans were angry about that and they said that they won't support Disney movies anymore until you use the Egyptian accent again, someone said the kids and adult will hate the movies while another said Disney will lose it's magic!

We don't ask for too much we just ask to respect our opinion, all the Arab fans felt that Disney didn't respect our feeling, our memories for the past 30 years and they just want to get more cash, please don't be an ugly copy of DreamWorks films that nobody likes or support because the Modern Arabic dubbed that makes the words more heavier and more official unlike the Egyptian accent that make it much fun to watch. Disney movies succeeded in the Arab world because the Egyptian accent please don't take something that we love, we are not asking for anything except this.

We do hope that you will look again in this decision that shocked everybody in a negative way, and prove to us that you appreciate our love and support to your works all these years, or we won't support your works any more.

From Disney Arab Fanclub

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