SJSU Students Against Animal Testing

Millions of animals are burned, poisoned, and abused in US animal testing labs every year and research shows that over 92% of experimental drugs deemed “safe and effective” on animals fail human clinical trials. Countless mice, rats, rabbits, and other animals are locked in cages for the entirety of their life to be used as test subjects for cosmetics, cleaning, and medical companies. No form of experimentation is illegal, regardless of how cruel or painful it is to the animals. Most of the animals tested are excluded from the only federal law that protects animals from inhumane testing. I believe that this is a form of animal cruelty and should not be justified because of possible advances in science. Animals should have the right to live without fear of being tested on and tortured.

I believe the U.S should ban all products tested on animals. This will encourage large companies to seek alternative product testing methods that do not lead to the harming of animals. As the companies lose money they will have incentive to change. As Congresswoman for California’s 19th District, I would like you to propose a bill that would make it illegal to sell products in the U.S. that have been tested on animals. Animal testing is useless and wasteful. With such a low success rate, animal testing prolongs the suffering of those in need of a cure. This is a waste of millions of dollars and lives. In addition it’s unnecessary. In this day and age there are countless alternative methods to safely test products suitable for human use without the use of beagle, hamsters and mice.

Every year the U.S. wastes $16 Billion dollars of taxpayers’ dollars for animal testing. It is a massive waste and mismanagement of tax dollars. The biggest supporter of these cruelties is by the National Institutes of Health, which uses 40% of its annual research budget on animal testing. Animal testing is not beneficial in any way. Alternatives like Invitro-Testing, which uses human cells as test subjects. We can also use computer modeling that simulates the human body. In addition human research volunteers can be used through micro dosage. There are numerous ways to save the lives of these animals and financially benefit the U.S. In order to properly do your job you must make a change the way your citizen’s taxes are being spent. End animal testing and save taxpayer’s dollars.

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