Save the Owl Sanctuary in Folkestone
We are an owl sanctuary, which I have run for 28 years. These owls have been injured in the wild or come from other sanctuaries or zoos which have closed down or been unable to look after injured birds. Unfortunately, many of the owls also come to the Rescue Sanctuary because people have bought them as pets then realise that they are unable to look after them.
We care for more than 40 owls and are only able to do so due to the generous donations from the public. Most of this is raised from our collections in Folkestone town centre on Thursdays and Saturdays. All helpers are volunteers who donate their time to us.
We have been attending the town centre for over 20 years which has been a delight for us, and the public too.
Now we have been informed that we have to pay to display our birds in the town (£50 per day)! This will drastically reduce our income. Our average donations are £150 per week.
If Folkestone Town Centre Management (FTCM) company persists in its threat to force us to pay this fee, the sanctuary will be forced to close. As a result of this more than 40 owls will have to be destroyed.
We need you help to stop this. PLEASE PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION. We have to show FTCM the impact this fee will have on the owls and show them how many people want to save them.
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione