He Went on an Animal Killing Spree, Murdering Miniature Horses, Goats, Rabbits, and More

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Monterey County District Attorney's Office

A horrifying event unfolded in Prunedale, California, as a local man unleashed a three-hour shooting spree killing 80 animals, including miniature horses, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks and birds. This devastating incident highlights a severe gap in our gun safety laws that fail to protect all lives – human and animal alike. While it's very likely the shooter will be charged for his crimes, we must ensure to prevent any future danger he could cause.

Sign this petition to call for the permanent confiscation of the shooter's firearms and to demand that he receives mandatory mental health counseling.

The shooter, who was armed with an array of weapons including illegal firearms, inflicted unspeakable cruelty on a variety of innocent animals. While most of the animals died immediately, tragically the surviving animals were all euthanized due to their injuries.

This event serves as a stark reminder of the broader implications of inadequate gun control. By signing this petition, you are advocating for legislative changes that prevent such needless violence and protect our community from future tragedies.

Sign now to ensure this person never has access to guns again.

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