Tell Congress Military Working Dogs are Not Equipment

They go above and beyond to demonstrate their intelligence, loyalty and bravery. They refuse to leave the sides of their fallen soldiers and are repeatedly asked to risk their lives. Yet, when all is said and done, our military working dogs (MWDs) are classified as nothing more than equipment by the Department of Defense.

The Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act (H.R. 1043, S. 2134) will reclassify MWDs as Canine Members of the Armed Forces. It will also standardize practices to help facilitate transport and adoptions, provide medical care for retired MWDs that will be funded by a non-profit and ensure that exceptional dogs receive formal recognition for their service.

Please sign the petition asking your representative to support this vital piece of legislation for our MWDs.

Our military working dogs (MWDs) have gone above and beyond to save lives and have repeatedly demonstrated their intelligence, loyalty and bravery as working members of our armed forces. Yet they remain unsung heroes and have continued to be labeled as nothing more than equipment by the Department of Defense.

I am writing to ask you to support the Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act (H.R. 1043, S. 2134), which will reclassify these incredible dogs as Canine Members of the Armed Forces. This legislation will also standardize practices to bring retired MWDs home and help facilitate adoptions, provide medical care for retired MWDs that will be funded by a non-profit and ensure that exceptional dogs formally receive recognition for their service.

Not only do our MWDs deserve recognition for their service, they also deserve the same care, protection and safety for life that they provide us with. I sincerely hope that you will support this important piece of legislation to honor the lives and service of our MWDs.

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