Abby, 6 year old Yorkshire Terrier and her sister, Jenny, 7 year old Yorkshire Terrier were just brought home from the groomers and let loose in our secured fully fenced, back yard to use the bathroom and chase the birds like they do every time we bring them home, when the neighbor's dog came over the 6 ft double sided wood fence and attacked our dogs. Abby was killed and the attack dog was on Jenny as my husband ran to them. My husband was able to get Jenny and brought her to me and went back to recover Abby's lifeless body. The dog was still in our yard and the neighbor came over our fence to get his dog before my husband reached it, and pushed the dog back over the fence. Jenny was taken to the vet and required stitches. This was not the first time the dog came over the fence to attack our girls. The owner did not contain his dog to ensure this did not reoccur.
We called the police and the Animal Care Services and filed reports and complaints. ACS will not be able to get to the case for several weeks.
What we have discovered is the Texas law on pets doesn't protect my girls or your four legged family member from harmful or deadly attacks because of an irresponsible owner or negligent acts. The only recourse we have is to file a claim against their homeowners insurance and get the "market value" of our precious girl, plus vet bills for Jenny and cremation costs for Abby .I am dumbfounded by how I can put a worth on a precious girl that brought so much joy and was so full of life.
I would like to see Abby's life make a difference. I want the law to change. A wrongful death of a precious pet family member should be seen as more than just possession. More than replacement/market value. The consequences should be more than a homeowners claim and the word "sorry". Pet owners should be responsible for their aggressive dogs and wrongful death or injury to another pet unprovoked. This dangerous dog now has the taste for blood. The owner did nothing to prevent this recurring offense. Let the laws help with forcing responsibility.
This law is over 122 years old and in this century, I feel many things have changed, our focus, compassion for each other and our way of life has changed. It is time to change that law too. I want to change this law to hold pet owners accountable for the action of their pets. I want pets to show the intrinsic worth they are as they not only receive our affection put give back to owners as well. Pet owners should be compensated for the pain and suffering, punitive damages,
The love a family has for a pet - a family member is well noted. Americans spend over $53 billion dollars in pet car a year. This is more than a possession. There are organizations that protect cruelty to animals - why not extend that to make it matter.
I would like to see Abby's life make a difference. I want to make dog owners responsible for their aggressive dogs and wrongful death of another pet.
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione