Find These Sadistic Future Serial Killers and bring them to Justice

  • da: Gabriel Guereca
  • destinatario: The World,anyone who can bring them to Justice!

These sadistic killers tortured by setting on fire an innocent kitten.They laughed the whole time they were doing it.Kids like this have the propensity to turn into future serial killers.Please stop them in time.I will not post the actual video here, it is too horrible and upsetting but the link is here .Be warned it is very graphic,please do not let children watch it.It cannot be unseen.

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
The petition is filling up rapidly, going worldwide.Let's get it past the 1000 mark.I believe this may have taken place in California so I've contacted news outlets there.Just waiting to hear back from them.Please continue to share.Thank you all for your support in bringing justice for this innocent little soul.
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