Tell Jeff Bezos to stop blocking a Washington Post endorsement of Harris

The Washington Post announced that it will break with decades of tradition, and NOT endorse a candidate for president.  

The Post apparently had an endorsement of Harris written and ready to go, but it was blocked by owner Jeff Bezos, reportedly out of concern how Amazon would be treated by a Trump administration if it backed Harris now.

Tell Bezos to reverse course immediately, and let the Post publish its endorsement.

This is outrageous on so many levels. Bezos has apparently decided that saving democracy and preventing the election of a guy who has a Hitler fettish is less important than the bottom line.

Now is the time to stand up to Trump, not surrender without a fight. If Bezos cares about his country, he should get out of the way, and let the Post do its job.

Add your name, and tell Jeff Bezos to stop blocking a Washington Post endorsement of Harris

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