Save the Bee Ridge/Aberdeen Woods

  • da: Douglas G
  • destinatario: Michael Moran, Paul Caragiulo, Nancy Detert, Alan Maio and Charles Hines., Sarasota, FL

Sarasota County purchased this land several years ago to build the Bee Ridge/Aberdeen/Berkshire roundabout. The residents of nearby communities thought the county would keep them as a green space but now the County Commission is considering selling these wooded parcels for development.
These woodlands are a valuable and increasingly rare remnants of mixed softwood and hardwood hammocks. They provide habitat for many creatures including raccoons, deer, bobcats, pileated woodpeckers, indigo buntings, swallow-tailed kites, eagles, red shouldered hawks, and other species that have seen their habitat diminished over the years.

I request that the Sarasota County Commission keep parcels 0242130005 and 0242140005 at Bee Ridge and Aberdeen Drive as a green space and not sell them to developers.

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