Save the Mangrove forest: Stop development in the Sunderbands

The Sunderbands, the largest mangrove forest is at a risk of being over-run by Mamta Banerjee's government. Bengal's government have planned to build roads, hotels and other tourist infrastructure to encourage tourist to visit the mangrove.

This will damage the sensitive ecosystem which is home to a 100 Bengal tigers. Apart from tigers, the Sunderbands are home to some endangered species such as the ecustarian crocodile. It must be prevented.

Aggiorna #49 anni fa
Hi, could you all please sign the following petition. The information is on the link. This is an emergency and I need to get to 1 million signatures by next Saturday, so could you all please sign and share.
Aggiorna #39 anni fa
Than you for signing this petion. The following petition is about pangolins. PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE IT WITH 30 PEOPLE.
Aggiorna #210 anni fa
Hi, finally reached 400 signatures. Please sign and share this petition. I need to get to 500 soon. PLEASE SHARE.
Aggiorna #110 anni fa
245 signatures in 28 hours. Going well. Please share as we have to save the sunderbands
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