Minks and FOXES are absolutely beautiful sentient beings that are often bred in captivity for their fur. These animals spend their very sad, hellish, entire lives, confined to growing up in wire cages. Never able to see daylight, feel sunshine, breathe fresh air, never knowing what a single blade of grass feels like under their feet.
They are most often horrifyingly killed by a live wire inserted into their anus and painstakingly electrocuted to death, so their fur will still look nice for people to turn them into coats, hats, and now false eyelashes!!!
Please consider the cruelty and suffering your stores are contributing to by using body parts of innocent, voiceless, loving animals; and keeping the Mink & FOX Industry in business. They have the same feelings you would have towards your family, children, and life itself. If you simply put yourself in their position, I'm certain you would not want your life to be lived out this way at all. I am also certain your customers would commend you for only using compassionate, cruelty-free materials for eyelash extensions.
Upon researching eyelash salons all over America, sadly many are also using FOX FUR for lashes as well. This is upsetting because it involves CAPTIVE FOXES AND CAPTIVE MINKS of the industry of false eyelashes, where ever these businesses are getting them from, they are supporting animal cruelty. Please look up this issue in your town, and tell them to stop using animals for eyelash extensions. Is it really worth it to look good without a conscience for these poor voiceless animals?
Aggiorna #310 anni fa
Please everyone, keep trying to get this petition as many signatures as possible. Do it to stop animals from pure cruelty then death!
Aggiorna #210 anni fa
I will be sending this petition to as many salons that I can. It would be very much appreciated if everyone could send as many as possible too. Thank you for caring so much about Minks & Foxes.
Aggiorna #110 anni fa
Upon researching eyelash salons all over America, sadly many are also using FOX FUR for lashes as well. This is upsetting because it involves CAPTIVE FOXES AND CAPTIVE MINKS of the industry of false eyelashes, where ever these businesses are getting them from, they are supporting animal cruelty. Please look up this issue in your town, and tell them to stop using animals for eyelash extensions. Is it really worth it to look good without a conscience for these poor voiceless animals?