Encourage CA lawmakers to crackdown on the sale of exotic cat hybrids

  • da: SUE LEE
  • destinatario: California State Lawmakers

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to crackdown on the sale of exotic cat hybrids in California.  Hybrid cats are the result of crossbreeding a domestic cat with a wild exotic cat.  People seem to be drawn to owning an exotic pet despite the dangers and unpredictable nature they present.  Since wild cats are not allowed, most aspiring pet owners believe that a hybrid is the next best thing.  The problem is that, despite all breeding efforts, an exotic cat hybrid does not make an acceptable household pet.

Many of the hybrid exotic cats are known as jungle bobs, savannahs and Bengals.  The bloodlines of these hybrid mixes exemplify that of the exotic wild cat opposed to its domestic nature. They will use their natural nature to defend its territory and have unpredictable behavior.  Although all these cats are beauties to see, you have to be an experienced cat owner to care for one of these distinct exotic cat hybrids.  They by no means do well with children because of their natural wild behavior tendencies.

A cat expert may love the exotic cat hybrids; they can be very smart, easy to train, affectionate, lively and loyal.  But they do take a lot of time, proper environment and expertise on the part of the cat owner. Many people have adopted some of these cats as kittens when they are sweet, young and affectionate but that little one can grow up to be too much to handle.  As a result many exotic cat hybrids are abused, end up being abandoned, given up for adoption, placed in wildlife sanctuaries or euthanized. The exotic cat hybrids are continually sold as sweet, pet cats, which is really so far from the truth. These cats are not for everyone and there should be a crack down on the sale of exotic cat hybrids.  Please sign and share this petition in an effort to crackdown on the sale of exotic cat hybrids in California.

California State Lawmakers – Please enforce laws and regulations against the sale of exotic cat hybrids in your state.  These cats are a cross with wild cats that need to remain in their natural habitats for their own health and safety; for themselves and humans.  If sold as pets, these hybrids can be dangerous and unpredictable, end up abused, abandoned or euthanized, which should not be an option.  Stop selling these cats as pets and do something to put an end to their breeding!  It is all about safety for them and for humans.

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
There has been some progress - check out http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/06/30/18758081.php
There is proposed legislation and other protests against exotic pet ownership in CA.
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