Demand Trump restore the CFPB and stop corporations from scamming us!

Unelected billionaire Elon Musk announced over the weekend that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau would be shuttered, demolishing a vital shield protecting Americans from the incessant predations of big corporations.

The CFPB was created after the devastating 2008 economic recession and immediately scared some restraint into the shameless tactics that Wall Street uses to extort every last dollar out of American working families with its ability to issue rules on mortgages, credit cards, student loans and other important financial transactions.

Restore the CFPB!

The CFPB has clawed back over $21 BILLION dollars from greedy corporations who scammed, extorted, or sometimes straight-up stole money from their customers, so of course Trump, Musk, and their billionaire cronies are dead set on shuttering the CFPB for good.

Not even the banking industry wants the CFPB gone — because they know they can't be trusted to not let their greed screw everything up. "If there's no point person, the rules are frozen in time, it's not good for anyone," said one former CFPB official who now works with companies in the private sector. "I'm not even talking about the consumers here. Just for the industry, it's not a good answer."

There is 0 good reason to get rid of the CFPB…unless Trump WANTS to crash the economy again.

Demand Trump restore the CFPB and stop corporations from scamming us!

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