My 2 dogs got in a fight in my home! We have been having problems w them getting alone and I have contracted several trainer to help! On Friday bruiser got his muzzle off and the 2 went at it again! Shylo was taken to pet ER and is now at Pennisula ortho and Is doing great! Bruiser was illegally taken by Wicomico animal control ! There own laws state they had no right! WMDT Julian Sadur did a news story w me And Lorien Bennett and personal trainer and retitired directer of OC animal shelter last night a 530! He is a sweet and loving dog and does not deserve to be caged! I want his release ASAP! I am only alowed to see him once a week w a apointment 😡 Please help us get him released !

Aggiorna #18 anni fa
I am happy to report Bruisers charges were overturned Wednesday in the appeal court! Yay! 😘😘 I am so grateful for the support shown to him! God bless everyone who signed! He come home yesterday! And is doing great! ❤️❤️❤️
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