This Toxic Weedkiller Was Found in the Majority of Sperm Samples From an Infertility Clinic

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Government Environmental Agencies in the United States, Mexico, and Brazil
A shocking discovery in France has taken us one step closer to proving what many scientists and health experts have been sounding the alarm about for years -- glyphosate, the most common weedkiller in the world, is likely having devastating effects on human health.

This study found that glyphosate was found in over 55% of sperm samples… at an infertility clinic.

Sign the petition to demand governments of countries with powerhouse agriculture industries finally ban this toxic weedkiller!

The presence of glyphosate in sperm samples taken from a fertility clinic has unnerving implications -- global fertility rates are declining, and this is one of the suspected culprits.

Because glyphosate is used so ubiquitously in agriculture, this could affect all of us. It is used on so much of the food we consume like corn, oats, and beans. It's even used on the cotton we use to make our clothes! Beyond reproductive health concerns, some studies suggest that exposure to glyphosate may also be linked to cancer, liver and kidney damage, and developmental issues in children.

We cannot stand by while agricultural executives and chemical manufacturers gamble with our health to make massive profits!

Dozens of countries have banned glyphosate, prioritizing the health of their people and environment over agricultural profits and industry pressure. But even those that have banned it have faced immense pressure and bullying from trading governments and herbicide manufacturers alike, and sadly these bullies have sometimes been successful in overturning bans.

We must stand together and tell countries with large agricultural industries they cannot continue to bow to herbicide manufacturers, trading our health for profit!

Glyphosate could be killing us, harming our babies, and making it impossible to even have children and start families. Sign the petition to tell the governments of the United States, Mexico, and Brazil: ban glyphosate!
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