Demand an end to NCL's exploitation of Belize's Wildlife on Harvest Caye

  • da: Nikki B
  • destinatario: Norwegian Cruise Lines

Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL) are profiting from wildlife stolen from the rainforests of Belize. They are using our wildlife to entertain their exclusive passengers on the private island cruise ship port of Harvest Caye, offshore Belize

Keel-billed toucans (the National Bird of Belize), iguanas, snakes, butterflies, and two iconic, wild-caught scarlet macaws currently live in captivity on this tourist playground. Both macaws are less than 2 years old, and one of them known as ‘Big Red’ is in perfect health and was being rehabilitated for release back into the wild. Instead Big Red and the rest of these species were spirited away under a veil of secrecy and are now permanently captive for entertainment and profit.

Against scientific advice and IUCN global guidelines, NCL arrogantly plan to acquire many more macaws and other species. We MUST stop it now.

Sign our petition, voice YOUR concerns and show your support. Join us in our call of action to the Government of Belize:
Put an end to NCL’s exploitation of Belizean wildlife on Harvest Caye

Why should NCL be stopped?
• The harsh, exposed ocean environment is detrimental to the health of jungle species
• Belize's tourism industry strategy promotes wildlife in the wild, not in private ownership
• It is illegal for Belizean Citizens, resorts and businesses to keep and display captive wildlife, so why is Norwegian Cruise Lines exempt from this law?
• Belizeans across the country have made their outrage clear
• This exploitation is for-profit and exclusive to NCL passengers and has no recognisable educational or scientific benefit
• Tripadvisor reviews show most visitors are not impressed and do not view this as appropriate for Belize, or for modern tourism

Vocal opposition to this wildlife exploitation by Norwegian Cruise Lines include:
• Major tourism establishments and the tourism sector
• Local and international conservation organisations
• Internationally renowned conservation figures
• Internationally renowned avian experts
• Humane Societies
• The National Press
• Belizean Citizens
• Tourists and visitors, and even cruise ship passengers

(more information)
Add your voice to the growing chorus of objections. Sign now!

Aggiorna #37 anni fa
Dear all,
The Boycott NCL Coalition now has a Facebook Page:
Please like and share, and request a Boycott NCL bumper sticker by emailing
Email your location and a photo of your car with bumper sticker to (NCL will get to hear all about it!)
Also feel free to write to NCL expressing your true feelings about their wild animal show
Aggiorna #27 anni fa
Dear all,
As Tropical Storm Franklin gathers strength and bears down on Belize and the Yucatan, we wonder what measures NCL are taking to protect the delicate birds and wildlife, including butterflies out at Harvest Caye. Probably not enough...
Please sign and share - let's get those beautiful wild creatures back where they belong on mainland Belize. #boycottNCL #freebigred
Aggiorna #17 anni fa
Dear Signers,
Thanks to your amazing support, we now have over 45,000 signatures on our petition to Norwegian Cruise Lines and the Government of Belize demanding the closure of this inappropriate and unnecessary, private mini-zoo of wild animals in Belize.
Please continue to share our cause - we will not be ignored!
Thank you all so much!
from the Conservation Community of Belize.
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