Demand Safety for San Juan Police Dogs!

A San Juan police detective left his police dog in a hot car for hours, and the dog died. By all accounts, Rex, the deceased police dog, was a valiant officer in the fight against crime. He had served with his partner, Juan Cerrillo Jr. since 2013. It is more than likely that Cerrillo intended no hard to Rex. But that certainly raises questions about how well San Juan police officers are trained to deal with canines. Most dog owners know how dangerous it is to leave an animal in a hot car for any length of time. 

Please join me in asking the San Juan police department to train or retrain all police officers who work with dogs to ensure they know how to keep dogs safe and healthy.

Dear San Juan Police Department:

I was saddened to learn of the death of Rex, a beloved and hard-working police dog. I am sure you share my sadness at his loss. This loss, however, was avoidable. Most dog owners know that dogs and other pets cannot be left in a hot car for any length of time. They dehydrate quickly and, without the option to exit the vehicle, they have no choice but to sit there, waiting or deliverance. I am sure that you hope and pray that this kind of thing will never happen again. To that end, please provide better training for your police officers who work with canines. 

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Firma la petizione

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