Prevent Nursing Home Isolation!

Five years ago, family members and friends were locked out of our nation's long-term care communities/nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing hundreds of thousands of residents to suffer physical and mental decline from heartbreaking neglect, and many died alone -isolated in their rooms.  Watch the "50 States/50 Stories" video (  ) about the loss of their human rights during the COVID pandemic isolation lockouts. 

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (YOU CAN ADD A COMMENT TOO), to prevent this inhumane violation of basic human rights from ever happening again!  The Federal Essential Caregivers Act guarantees that, in any future federal, state, or local emergency, at least one family member or friend designated as an "essential caregiver" has the right to in-person access at all times to their loved one, while adhering to all health and safety protocols.

We must convince our U.S. Senators and Representatives to pass this critical legislation by sharing with them this petition, signed with an OVERWHELMING amount of signatures. For more information on the Federal Essential Caregivers Act, please go to:

Aggiorna #43 mesi fa
Almost 1300 signers today for the Essential Caregivers Act petition! This is fabulous!! Please SHARE PETITION (AGAIN) with your social media contacts and ask if they signed it yet. Tell them there are almost 1300 signers and our next mini goal is 1500 signers!

Here is the petition link to share:

Thank you very much,

Aggiorna #34 mesi fa
Over 300 signers now! Let's keep it going!! If you signed the petition and haven't ever reached out to me to join our email list of supporters (for occasional updates about the bill and how we can help get your representative to cosponsor), please email me to be added, or message me on Facebook. Your voice and those of your family and friends is so important to getting this bill passed! Thank you - Irma Rappaport
Aggiorna #24 mesi fa
Care2 says to leave comments to add more weight to your signature - thank you so much to those who also left comments!
"To make sure your signature counts, we ask that you add a unique comment at the end of the letter. This ensures that the target reads each letter that we collect."
Aggiorna #14 mesi fa
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione
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