• da: Jill Maddalone
  • destinatario: Robert Wood "Woody" Johnson IV, owner of the New York Jets of the National Football League

Do you know how to electrocute a dog? We dont. Have you recently purchased a piece of property exclusively for your dog hobby? Most of us have not. After initially lying to Authorities, Michael Vick and his high paid lawyers are now asking for forgiveness of his mistakes. These are mistakes that have left a trail of evidence dating back to 2001, right after he signed a $150,000,000 contract with the Falcons. If you feel forgiving, you havent read the federal indictment which was about to become even worse when he accepted the plea deal. Mr. Vick would rather have his image appear as though he made a few mistakes, than what would have come out while testifying about the brutal execution and torture of the dogs that had the unfortunate fate of belonging to Vick and his friends. Isnt this like saying that pro-wrestler Chris Benoit was a good man until he made a couple mistakes? The single most difficult event of my life was lying on the floor holding my best friends head as the veterinarian euthanized her humanely when cancer brought her too much pain. Mr. Vicks mistakes include hanging, drowning, shooting and slamming his dogs bodies to the ground if they didnt rip and tear their opponents apart over at least a six year period of time. Thank you, Air Tran for taking decisive action when the word came out about what kind of person he is. The same goes for Reebok, Rawlings, and ultimately Nike.

Contact page for the NY Jets. Let them know how you feel about signing Michael Vick

Aggiorna #210 anni fa
Gonna try and reach a higher goal for more umpf! 1007 OUT OF 2000 SO FAR, LETS KEEP SHARING AND SIGNING!

Thanks Tons!

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
837 out of 1000 !! almost there, keep sharing, u never know who hasn't signed or will see it...

Thanks So Much!
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