Lucky the ageing elephant should be released to a sanctuary. No elephant should live alone. San Antonio Zoo may think they have her best interests at heart, and are able, as they say, to feed her correctly, but she is all-knowing and will eat appropriately. Her main need is to be with other elephants... SA Zoo have already decided not to bring any further elephants into their Zoo, so why keep Lucky? She deserves to be with her own kind and live her twilight years surrounded by the love, comfort and presence of other elephants. As a sentient being, Lucky should be released to a sanctuary where she will live her last years being with her own kind. We implore you to do the right thing by Lucky. She has afforded many of the pleasure of seeing her for most of her life, allow her the dignity to end hers happily amongst her own.
Aggiorna #39 anni fa
SAZ has since end of last year, a new Director in Tim Morrow. We implore Mr. Morrow to have compassion on Luckys situation and release her to The Elephant Sanctuary (TES) who have said they'd welcome her with open arms. With its proposed new Africa Live! Habitat, for new African elephants, does the Zoo really need to prolong Luckys stay further, instead, allowing her FREEDOM?
Aggiorna #210 anni fa
SAZ Closed 1pm 11/13 Does SAZ truly know about elephants? FAQ on site “Why does Lucky rock back & forth? This behavior usually indicates an expectation. When Lucky is observed swaying back & forth or side-to-side that is her way of exhibiting an anxious or impatient behavior. She usually does this when she wants food, enrichment time, a bath or when she wants access into her barn & sometimes when she just wants attention by the group of keepers who spoil her daily.” Yeah right? Sorry SAZ–WRONG!
Aggiorna #110 anni fa
Thanks to everyone who's signing for Lucky to go to a sanctuary. It’s well documented that TES, Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary, is ready and willing to take Lucky at no cost but Steve McCusker maintains Lucky is fine where she is. AZA needs to step up, enforce its 2011 ruling now, for Lucky, instead of waiting until 2016 when it could be too late as by then she could well die of loneliness. Please continue to SIGN and SHARE. We're not giving up on you sweet Lucky.