Demand this man who killed his puppy go to jail ASAP!!!!!

  • da: Rose Hutchins
  • destinatario: The Police know he killed this 9 month old puppy because he pooped on the floor. The Police shoud have him in jail for a very long time.

This man from Volusia county went to work and left his 9 month old puppy alone in the house and it pooped on the floor. When he came home and saw that he BEAT THE PUPPY TO DEATH!!! How was that the puppy's fault if there was no one to take him out to go potty? this just breaks my heart that a human could do this to an innocent puppy. If he could do this to a puppy what is to keep him from beating a child to death. I Pray that he has no children. He needs to be put away for a very long time and if he ever gets out of jail should not be allowed to have any animals ever.

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