earth guardians against the taiji dolphin massacres of taiji japan

  • da: Mark Swales
  • destinatario: british government ,nick clegg

Be aware that in Taiji,Japan ,the fishermen capture and kill hundreds and hundreds of whales and dolphins,they destroy whole families and butcher and treat them to a barbaric and painful death,any animal welfare state would stop this if it was dogs,cats,hamsters etc,this cannot be allowed to go on,this is never in the papers,never on the news,WHY NOT,please sign this and maybe we can have a shot in parliament at stopping this destruction of these beautiful and intelligent creatures,any they dont kill go into captivity for life,we have no rights to do this surely,the sea will be empty of life in no time,then what?.

Dear mr clegg sir,we cannot allow this mass cruelty to continue,it must break all the laws in the book,both legal and moral,please help us stop this disgusting way of life 

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