Please thank the Humane Society of Tampa Bay for what they did and do for Bart The Zombie Cat!!!

  • da: Marion Friedl
  • destinatario: All Care 2 members, adressed to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, Florida, USA

When Bart The Zombie Cat had managed to claw a way out of his grave after 5 long days it hasn´t been clear if he´d survive at all or not, in the meantime he´s doing very much better, he´s even been playing with a new toy that he got from a staff member of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, and yesterday evening they posted a pic of Bart with an orange, semi-longhaired tomcat called Jack who became Bart´s friend in the meantime, please sign to say thank you to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay for saving Bart´s life and for caring for him so well!!! I´m sure there´ll be no way for the Hutsons, Bart´s former owners, to ever get close to the cat again...

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