Bring Dave and Buster's to Mobile!

Dear friends, fellow citizens and inner children of all your hearts. I speak to you today on behalf of our forgotten youth, our abandoned dreams and our diminishing imagination for fun. I have created a petition so our voices can be heard, so we can bring a Dave and Buster's to Mobile, Alabama. The closest locations as of now are New Orleans,La and Panama city,Fl.
There is however a Dave and Buster's currently being built at the Riverchase Galleria in Hoover, Alabama but that is over 200 miles from our loving great city of Mobile. We all deserve a little fun, a little relaxation at the end of a hard days work. I hope my voice is powerful enough to reach you so our voices our powerful enough to reach Dave and Buster's.
Let's take a break from the hardships of the day, let's have fun with friends and games, but most of all...let's be a kid again.
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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