Dear Mr Reynisson
Hamleys Toy Stores was criticised back in December 2007 by the public, the Born Free Foundation and OneKind animal protection charities for planning to have live penguins and reindeers in their London store. After receiving many complaints Hamleys made the right decision to cancel the live animal show.
Recently in April 2015 the Glasgow Hamleys store had a live animal show featuring rabbits, birds and tortoises which again came under fire from concerned members of the public and the last day of the event was cancelled.
Hamleys should not be subjecting live animals to the noisy and unnatural environment of a toy store which must be very frightening and distressing for the animals. Animals are not toys and this gives out a bad message to children that animals are ours for entertainment. Having live animals in store could also encourage impulse buying of animals which is highly irresponsible - many animals are languishing in animal shelters after they are no longer wanted once children have became bored with them.
We therefore call on Hamleys Toy Stores to make a commitment to no further live animal use in any of their stores at any time in the future.
We look forward to your response on this matter.
Yours faithfully
The petition signees
Hamleys Toy Stores was criticised back in December 2007 by the public, the Born Free Foundation and OneKind animal protection charities for planning to have live penguins and reindeers in their London store. After receiving many complaints Hamleys made the right decision to cancel the live animal show.
Recently in April 2015 the Glasgow Hamleys store had a live animal show featuring rabbits, birds and tortoises which again came under fire from concerned members of the public and the last day of the event was cancelled.
Hamleys should not be subjecting live animals to the noisy and unnatural environment of a toy store which must be very frightening and distressing for the animals. Animals are not toys and this gives out a bad message to children that animals are ours for entertainment. Having live animals in store could also encourage impulse buying of animals which is highly irresponsible - many animals are languishing in animal shelters after they are no longer wanted once children have became bored with them.
We therefore call on Hamleys Toy Stores to make a commitment to no further live animal use in any of their stores at any time in the future.
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