Various states have taken a stand in changing laws regarding the charges and penalties for animal abuse, cruelty, abandonment and neglect but with variations and intentions. In Pennsylvania, some offenses may be classified as a misdemeanor while others are felonies with minimal penalties. Unless the laws and repercussions are stiffer, animals will continue to be in danger. You can read more about various laws, charges and penalties nationwide at and at which describes current Pennsylvania laws.
Increasing penalties and escalating charges against animal cruelty crimes is hoped to make people think twice before causing any harm or abuse against such defenseless beings. In some states, along with escalated charges and penalties, provisions in the law has stipulated that offenders under required psychological counseling since it is a documented fact that there is a clear link between animal cruelty and human violence. Compassionate and caring people know that mistreatment of animals is cruel and unjust. Anyone who abuses an animal needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures. The respect and care of animals should begin with our youth, teaching them that animals are not objects without feelings. The disrespect of animals comes in all forms, from minor issues involving neglect to serious injuries, dog fighting and death. Whatever the extent, any offense against a living, breathing defenseless animals warrants no less than a felony offense.
The purpose of this petition is to urge the Pennsylvania State Legislators to escalate their laws and charges for any and all forms of animal abuse, cruelty, neglect & abandonment as a felony, no exceptions and for first offenses. In addition to the felony charges, the proposal is for appropriate penalties such as longer jail sentences, higher fees, possible acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal industry such as sales, care, breeding and treatment. Such abusers need to also be banned for lifetime of working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their lives. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it must be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust. You can help with this issue by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own ideas and thoughts of concern.
Pennsylvania State Legislators - Various states have taken a stand in changing laws regarding the charges and penalties for animal abuse, cruelty, abandonment and neglect but with variations and intentions. Increasing penalties and escalating charges against animal cruelty crimes is hoped to make people think twice before causing any harm or abuse against such defenseless beings. I propose that you escalate your laws and charges for any and all forms of animal abuse, cruelty, neglect & abandonment as a felony, no exceptions and for first offenses. In addition to the felony charges, the proposal is for appropriate penalties such as longer jail sentences, higher fees, possible acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal industry such as sales, care, breeding and treatment. Such abusers need to also be banned for lifetime of working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their lives. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it must be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust. There is never any reason to harm an animal and humans need to take a stand in protecting them.
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