Stop Big Agriculture from Destroying Florida’s Waters and Wildlife!

  • da: Julie S.
  • destinatario: Governor Rick Scott, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy, Florida

Huge agricultural corporations have been polluting Florida’s waters for too many years – destroying formerly pristine habitats, killing wildlife, and causing severe economic losses for tourist businesses – and the problem is only getting worse.

Last February, Governor Rick Scott declared a state of emergency after agricultural companies used water from Lake Okeechobee to irrigate their fields, then sent the water back into the public lake polluted with fertilizers and manure. Because of heavy rains this winter and a weak dike around the lake, 70,000 gallons of polluted water per second were released into two rivers that flow into the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Aerial photos show a “black curtain” of deadly pollution pulled over the previously clear waters. Residents were warned not to swim in the water or even get it on their skin to avoid getting sick.

Just one month later, pollution from agricultural runoff, lawn fertilizers, and sewage spills caused a brown algae outbreak that killed 65,000 pounds of fish in the Indian River Lagoon and Banana River. The Indian River Lagoon system is the most diverse estuarine environment in North America - home to 4,000 plant and animal species, including manatees, dolphins, and sea turtles. This incredible habitat and all of its creatures are in desperate need of protection.

Please join me in demanding that our public officials enact meaningful restrictions to prevent further environmental and economic disasters, loss of sea life, and public health threats. Please sign and share this petition urging our representatives to put regulations in place immediately so that Big Agriculture and other polluters cannot continue to destroy Florida’s waters and wildlife.

Dear Governor Rick Scott, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy:

I am deeply concerned regarding the egregious level of pollution the agricultural industry has inflicted upon Florida’s waters. Agricultural giants have been polluting Florida’s waters for too many years – destroying formerly pristine habitats, killing wildlife, and causing severe economic losses for tourist businesses – and the problem is only getting worse.

As you know, earlier this year Lake Okeechobee released 70,000 gallons of polluted water per second into theSt. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Rivers, causing a state of emergency. Aerial photos show a “black curtain” of deadly pollution pulled over the previously clear waters. Residents were warned not to swim in the water or even get it on their skin to avoid getting sick.

Just one month later, pollution from agricultural runoff, lawn fertilizers, and sewage spills caused a brown algae outbreak that killed 65,000 pounds of fish in the Indian River Lagoon and Banana River. The Indian River Lagoon system is the most diverse estuarine environment in North America - home to 4,000 plant and animal species, including manatees, dolphins, and sea turtles. This incredible habitat and all of its creatures are in desperate need of protection.

I urge that you put regulations in place immediately to prevent further environmental and economic devastation, loss of sea life, and public health threats. Meaningful restrictions must be enacted to ensure that polluters cannot continue to destroy Florida’s waters and wildlife.

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