Support Charity With Concerns of a Lion & Tiger Farm & Possible Animal Abuse

  • da: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Scottish Government

Please sign and share this petition worldwide on all media sites in an effort to support the animal welfare charity with concerns regard five big cats at the Aberdeenshire farm. Their concerns involve possible abuse and inappropriate accommodations for the three tigers and two lions they are trying to train at a Circus High School training center near Fraserburgh. Let us help to get these animals out of this cruel situation.

Wildlife charity known as Born Free was alerted about five large cats kept at the Aberdeenshire farm. Five of their big cats, three tigers and two lions have spent their winter at the Circus High School animal training center near Fraserburgh. The charity has lifted many deep concerns about the accommodations for these huge, majestic animals. They claim that they have witnessed the cats in a constant, repetitive pacing while also displaying unusually aggressive behaviors.

A spokesperson for the charity stated that "We have received alarming reports of big cats being kept on a farm in Aberdeenshire. As quickly as possible, we dispatched an investigator to check on the situation. The three tigers, two male and one female, and two male lions, had previously been touring the UK with Peter Jolly’s Circus. As this circus has finished performances for the season the cats and their trainer are spending the winter on the farm in Fraserburgh. The big cats are living in three cages of a traditional circus beast wagon. The female tiger lives on her own, while the two male tigers share a cage, as do the two male lions. "

The animals seem to always been locked in tight quarters and Born Free is highly concerned that these cats are living in tightly closed cages inappropriate for their health and well-being. Of course the Aberdeenshire Council disputes the charges presented by Born Free. The charity is making further efforts in banning wild animals in circuses because they are inappropriately housed and treated. Let us support their efforts and ask for these five large cats and others like them be banned from such training facilities, farms and circuses by signing this petition and sharing on all media sites to save these animals from undue abuse and cruelty.

Scottish Government - In support of the Born Free Charity Organization, we are urging you to introduce legislation that demands a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses. Animals such as those in the Aberdeenshire Farm and facilities in Fraserburgh continue to endure extreme cruelty and abuse while crammed in tiny, inappropriate enclosures. Stop this type of treatment on these majestic beings and ban them and all wild animals from being exploited as such for monetary gain and human entertainment. Ban the use of wild animals in circuses!

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